waec students for runz expo

▪️▪️ Meaning of Witheld WAEC Result

This occurs when almost all the candidates in a particular centre had same grade. WAEC will further investigate the result. If truly the candidates engaged in any form of malpractice during the exam, such results would be seized and not released. But if reverse is the case, they would be released.

▪️▪️ Meaning of held WAEC Result.

Almost the same thing with witheld. Held result mostly occur when a written remark is made on a candidate answer booklet relating to malpractice and other examination offences.

▪️▪️ Meaning of Outstanding in WAEC Result

Outstanding in some subject(s) mostly occur when a student is recorded as present in exams, but the mark on the subject(s) are not concluded. It can also be cause by extra answer sheet. i.e. when not properly attached or some other factors.

My advice to the affected Candidate is to stay calm in due time the results will be Released but if can’t wait, kindly register for another waec or neco Examination

Don’t listen to any scammer or fraudster claiming to be Waec official, they can’t do anything, wait patiently for Waec.

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