2023 JAMB Subject Combination

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The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has released the comprehensive UTME subject combination for Science, Arts, and Social Science course and programs for 2023/2024 academic session admission.

IMPORTANT: All candidates seeking admission into University through JAMB should take note that the English Language is compulsory for all and is already an automatic part of the subject combinations.


JAMB Subject Combinations for Science

The full list of JAMB Subject Combinations for all courses are as follows:

  1. Accountancy:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and any other
    Social Science subject
  2. Business Administration:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and any other
    Social Science subject
  3. Public Administration:
    Use of English, Government, Economics and any other
  4. Banking and Finance:
    Use of English, Mathematics, one Social Science subject
    and any other subject
  5. Economics:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and any of
    Government, History, Geography, Literature in English,
    French and CRK/IRK.
  6. Demography and Social Statistics:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics/Geography and
    any other subject.
  7. Geography:
    Use of English, Geography and two other Arts or Social
    Science subjects
  8. Library Science:
    Use of English and Any three Arts or Social Science
  9. Mass Communication:
    Use of English and any three from Arts or Social Science
  10. Sociology:
    Use of English, Three Social Science or Arts subjects.
  11. Political Science:
    Use of English, Government or History plus two other
    Social Science/Arts subjects.
  12. Philosophy:
    Use of English, Government and any other two subjects
  13. Psychology:
    Use of English, Any three subjects from Arts or Social
  14. Religious Studies:
    Use of English Language, CRK/IRS and any two other
  15. Social Works:
    Use of English Language, Mathematics, Economics/
    Geogra phy and any other subject
  16. Sociology and Anthropology:
    Use of English, Three Social Science or Arts Subjects
  17. Industrial Relations:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one other
    relevant subject
  18. Human Resources Management:
    Use of English, Economics, Government and any other
    relevant subjects.
  19. International Relations:
    Use of English, Economics, Literature- inEnglish and
    Geography/Govern ment/History.
  20. Business Management:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics and one other
  21. Cooperative and Rural Development:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one other
  22. Tourism:
    English, Mathematics, Economics and any other subject.
  23. Marketing:
    Use of English, Mathematics, Economics plus one other
    relevant Subject.
  24. Insurance:
    English, Mathematics, Economics and one other subject.


JAMB Subject Combinations for Arts

  1. Arabic and Islamic Studies:
    Use of English, Arabic and Two subjects from Arts and/
    or Social Sciences.
  2. Christian Religious Studies:
    Use of English, Two Arts subjects including Christian
    Religious Knowledge and any other subject.
  3. Fine and Applied Arts:
    Use of English Language, Fine Art and two other Arts
    subjects or Social Science subject.
  4. Theatre Arts:
    Use of English, Lit. in English and two other relevant
  5. Linguistics:
    English, Two relevant Arts subjects and any other
  6. English and International Studies:
    Use of English, Literature in English, Government or
    History or any other Arts subjects.
  7. French:
    English, French and any other two subjects from Arts
    and Social Sciences.
  8. English Language:
    Use of English, Lit.-in-English, one other Arts subject and
    another Arts or Social Science subject.
  9. Hausa:
    English, Hausa, Lit in English and any of Economics,
    Government, History and Arabic.
  10. History and International Studies:
    Use of English, History/Government and any other two
    subjects from Arts & Social Science.
  11. Islamic Studies:
    English, Islamic Religious Studies plus two other Arts
  12. Igbo:
    English, Igbo and two subjects from Arts and social
  13. Mass Communication:
    Use of English, Any three Arts and Social Science
  14. Music:
    Use of English, Music, one other Arts subject plus any
    other subject.
  15. Philosophy:
    Use of English, Any three subjects.
  16. Religious Studies:
    English, CRK/IRS and any two other subjects.
  17. Yoruba:
    Use of English, Yoruba and two other subjects in Arts or
    Social Sciences.
  18. Anthropology:
    Use of English, Any three of History, CRK/IRK,
    Geography, Economics, Literature in English and French.
  19. Criminology and Security Studies:
    English, Economics,Government, and any one of the
    following: History, Geography, Literature in English,
    French, IRK, Hausa.
  20. Law:
    English, Literature, Economics and any other Art Subject.
  21. Civil Law:
    English Language and Any three Arts or Social Science
  22. Islamic / Sharia Law:
    Use of English Language and Any three Arts or Social Science subjects including Arabic or Islamic Studies.


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