JAMB subject combination for Arts Courses- On this portal, we will be lecturing you all on All Departmental Courses in Nigeria. In Education, there is a comprehensive list of All Science Courses, and there are also Art courses. You can study anyone you wish to study in as much as you are very good in that area.
JAMB subject combination for Arts Courses
It’s an error for you to enter any course without getting to know the main information or Jamb subject combinations surrounding that particular course. This was the main reason why we sat to compile this comprehensive list of All art courses In Nigeria. Read through know whats it’s all about.
Complete JAMB Subjects Combination For Art Courses
Candidates can now read down to know about JAMB subject combinations for Arts courses, Commercial, and Social Sciences Students. The Art Courses are at follows;
Fine & Applied Arts
1. English Language
2. Fine Art and
3. And Any two other Arts subjects or Social Science subjects.
Theater Arts
1. English Language
2. Lit. in English and
3. Two other relevant subjects.
1. English Language
2. Two relevant Arts subjects and
3. Any other subject.
English & International Studies
1. English Language
2. Literature in English,
3. Government or History or any other Arts subjects.
Respective Art/ Social Science Subjects
1. Literature in English
2. Government
3. Geography
4.Christian Religious Studies
7. Commerce
8. French Language
Arabic and Islamic Studies
1. English Language
2. Arabic and
3. Two subjects from Arts and/or Social Sciences.
Christian Religious Studies
1. English Language
2. Two Arts subjects including Christian Religious Knowledge and any other subject.
Islamic Studies
1. English Language
2. Islamic Religious Studies
3. And two other Arts subjects.
English Language
1. English Language
2. Lit.-in-English
3. And one other Arts subject and another Arts or Social Science subject.
1. English Language
2. Hausa
3. Lit in English and
4. Any of Economics, Government, History, and Arabic.
1. English Language
2. Music
3. And one other Arts subject plus any other subject.
1. English Language
2. Any three subjects.
Religious Studies
1. English Language
2. CRK/IRS and
3. Any two other subjects.
1. English Language
2. Yoruba and
3. Two other subjects in Arts or Social Sciences.
History and International Studies
1. English Language
2. History/Government and
3. Any other two subjects from Arts & Social Science
1. English Language
2. Igbo and
3. Two subjects from Arts and Social Sciences.
1. English Language
2. Any three of History CRK/IRK,
3. Geography, Economics, Literature in English and French.
Criminology and Security Studies
1. English Language
2. Economics
3. Government, and
4. Anyone of the following: Either History Geography, Literature in English, French or Hausa.
Civil Law
1. English Language and Any three Arts or Social Science subjects.
Islamic / Sharia Law
1. English Language
2. and Any three Arts or Social Science subjects including Arabic or Islamic Studies
List Of Social Science Subject Combination
1: Economics
2. Political Science
3. Psychology etc:
Note: You must have a minimum of 5 ‘O’level credit passes in English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other relevant subjects.
Public Administration
1. English Language
2. Government,
3. Economics and
4. Any other subject
Banking and Finance
1. English Language
2. Mathematics,
3. One Social Science subject and
4. Any other subject
1. English Language
2. Mathematics,
3. Economics and
4. Any other Social Science subject.
Business Administration
1. English Language
2. Mathematics,
3. Economics and any
4. Other Social Science subject
1. English Language
2. Mathematics,
3. Economics and other subjects …
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